About Me

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I am a mother of three boys and one girl, my youngest son Walker is developmentally delayed with no diagnosis, I am divorced and re-married, living life as I never imagined. I may be cynical, but I try to see the world as it is.... no frills but plenty of laughs.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pattern of change

I've never been one for New Years resolutions. I've always thought that if you want to change something you just do it, don't wait until a specific day to make that change. Plus, I've always danced to my own drummer, not wanting to get involved in the whole "resolution" hoopla. But looking back throughout my life I realized that there has been a pattern of dates that I inadvertently made huge decisions on. They weren't planned, but interestingly enough they all fall on the 15th of the month.

January 15th 2003 - left my first husband - running scared for my life!
November 15th 2005 - quit smoking
July 15th 2006 - became engaged to Ramiah (love of my life and best friend!)
And now January 15th 2010 we will be moving into our next home.

So I'm happy to say that instead of just having one day a year to make changes, I get 12!!

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