About Me

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I am a mother of three boys and one girl, my youngest son Walker is developmentally delayed with no diagnosis, I am divorced and re-married, living life as I never imagined. I may be cynical, but I try to see the world as it is.... no frills but plenty of laughs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Best Thing

Write Out Loud Topic this week is from the Crazy Hip Bloggers is The Best Thing.  In the funk that I have been in of late, this topic really has good timing, because its easy to get in this ruts and think that everything is crap, that the world is crap, that you look like crap that your house is crap..crap,crap, crap.  So it is good to take time and think about what is really the Best Thing in your life at any given moment.  Normally I would take the easy way out and blog about my children, and how great they are (they really are despite my rantings on here!) and I already did a blog about my husband, but I find myself in a place that is unfamiliar to me.  Not really sure why its unfamilar, maybe just that in the past I haven't really allowed myself to recognize it.  Right now the best thing in my life is my family, not my nuclear family but my mom and dad and sisters.  Recently, there has been an huge effort on all of their parts to really step up and help us out. Maybe its been my cries for help on line, or the fact that they never really get to see me, or that an increase in medication has been ordered (just kidding) but each one has really been a huge help to me!  Each member has contributed in the best way that they are able!  I cannot thank them all enough!!  Yes, its been a little uncomfortable accepting help and asking for it, but it feels really good to know that they all are becoming a consistant part of my children's lives!   

1 comment:

Chaos Diaries said...

Sweet post!
We're in the process of adopting two children with Down syndrome from Eastern Europe, and there are a couple of members of our family who think we're probably crazy, but they have thrown their hats in the ring with us and pledged their full support. For someone to think you're crazy and support you anyway---that is golden!