About Me

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I am a mother of three boys and one girl, my youngest son Walker is developmentally delayed with no diagnosis, I am divorced and re-married, living life as I never imagined. I may be cynical, but I try to see the world as it is.... no frills but plenty of laughs.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lunch time Oasis

I live in a house with a bunch of vanilla mouths!  This is a term that one of my oldest and dearest friend's mother used to call me!

I have to admit, that up until I returned to college I wasn't one to be too adventurous with my food selection, Chinese take out was as crazy as a suburban white mom would go! While at New Paltz I took a class on peer mentoring and found myself smack in the middle of some cultural challenges. I not only was out of their age group (I'm sure they must have joked about the old lady taking classes) but each peer I was assigned was from a completely different back ground.  One girl was Dominican, another African America from Queens, another girl was from China and a young man from Taiwan. (yes, for those politically incorrect, there is a difference!)  One of the easiest way for me to get these kids to open up was to use my most valuable resource... $$$ Yup, I'm not ashamed, I would take them out to lunch and they would get to pick the place.  This opened my eyes up to a whole new world of food, and I tried it all! 

Flash forward a few years, and my life is just not that exciting anymore!  So when the house is quiet.. and the babies are in bed, I dream of a mini vacation to somewhere exotic. Who knew I could find a simple passport right in my grocery freezer?

1 comment:

Duchess said...

Yeah, mom was pretty quick to hand out that "Vanilla Mouth" title to us, wasn't she? Hee hee