About Me

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I am a mother of three boys and one girl, my youngest son Walker is developmentally delayed with no diagnosis, I am divorced and re-married, living life as I never imagined. I may be cynical, but I try to see the world as it is.... no frills but plenty of laughs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Me Day

~Living with less is more~ this was the message that I took away yesterday from my day at Kadampa Mediation Center.

I am not really sure what led me there, maybe it was a good friend who had recently taken a weekend to get back to herself that made me start thinking, or maybe it is the hectic month that we are about to embark on with Walker.I just think that there must have been some reason for the flier to be hanging in the Corner Deli in Westtown last week.

I wasn't really sure what to expect, the flier advertised a day of meditation and it just sounded really, really good! I knew I could use some Peace!

It was a very positive experience and just what I needed.  I have never been one to practice any particular religion. Sure we celebrated Christmas and Easter but we never attended Church or studied the bible.  My limited experience with religion has come from my friends and their families. I don't think that I have been missing something. There has never been a need to find "the path" but there are many underlying questions about my existence and purpose that I often wonder about.  Having Walker has heightened those thoughts.

Living with less, experiencing more - how very true!  In our current financial circumstances this is really  a great idea, instead of worrying about everything we lack or don't have - I am going to embrace all that we do have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had a positive experience! I wish I could have gone with you...but I needed a different kind of "me time" yesterday! :) Next time, though. I am most definitely intrigued!