If I were your son, would you have taught me how to drive?
would you have shown me how to change a tire or check my oil?
If I were your son, would you have shown me how to tie my line?
would you have let me come on one of your many fishing trips?
If I were your son, would you buy me a beer?
would you play me in pool and think it was fair competition?
If I were your son, would you sit down and talk politics
would you listen to my ideas and not think my views as frivolous?
If I were your son, would you ask me about my day?
would you remember where i worked and what i did for a paycheck?
If I were your son, would you invite me for a round of golf?
would you show me how to drive and work on my swing?
If I were your son, would you tell me your are proud?
would you pat me on the shoulder and smile?
would you tell me that you love me?
would you know who i really was?
would you reconginize yourself in me?
would you understand how important you are to me?
how much I want a relationship with you
how eager i am to please you after all these years?
If I were your son, I wouldn't be your daughter.